Intelligent & Integrated Threat Protection
Detect threats before they disrupt your business. Keep your data, devices and users safe from email phishing attacks and zero-day malware with Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) in Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is a powerful solution that secures your entire Microsoft 365 ecosystem from today’s most advanced and sophisticated threats.
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Trusted By Many Companies
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) in Microsoft 365 gives you built-in and proactive protections that extend to your collaborations and email to mitigate malicious content.
Threat Protection Policies platforms and services
Eliminating the need for on-premises equipment
Intelligence Reports
Advanced reporting dashboards with real-time updates provides you latest insights as you monitor your ATP performance.
Detection, Investigation & Response
ATP empowers your organisation’s IT security team to anticipate, understand and prevent malicious attaches across all platforms and devices through Threat Trackers, Threat Explorer and Attack Simulator.
Protect business critical data
Premium Data Security
- Real-time, Time-of-click protection against malicious URLs
- Zero-day protection against malicious attachments
- Critical insights into external threats
- Integrated across apps & apps
- Intelligence across Windows devices.
Protect, Detect & Respond
- Protect your organization’s email and productivity files from advanced cyber attacks
- Detect malicious activities in real-time
- Respond to threats quickly
Preview Your Digital Transformation Journey
Book a Demo to experience how these technologies combined with our expertise can jumpstart your digital transformation journey and help you realise your business objectives.
Advanced Threat Protection Safe Links
With a malware catch rate of 99.9%, the highest in the industry - ATP is a proven threat protection solution with a track record for performance
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About 25% of all malicious received are blocked at the edge, ensuring there is no escape and safety remains intact.
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Anti-phishing policies in Office 365 detects impersonation attacks and allow administrators take appropriate actions on messages.
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82% of all security breaches occur due to stolen passwords - it is expected that enabling multi-factor authentication can reduce risk of attacks by up to 99.99%
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